Protecting Your Plants From Being Eaten By Deer

 I initially came up with the Deer-Terrent product out of necessity. As most folks do, I planted some new Arborvitaes in my yard a few years back to add some privacy. With the news of 30" of snow on the way, I scrambled to find a way to protect my trees from being the neighborhood salad bar for the local deer. I was surprised to find the only available product was a heavy gauge plastic deer fencing (even though it was marketed as "deer netting"). I did not have the time or resources to stake the frozen ground to secure the fencing. In deciding  to wrap the trees with the material, I found it a frustrating and an ineffective exercise. I retired to our modern day source of enlightenment, the internet, to find a easier solution. Much to my surprise, no products were available. The light bulb went off and I embarked on my new business venture. I spoke to several tree farmers, landscapers and plant nurseries to get some product feedback.  All feedback was positive, so prototypes were made and tested. The final product was made and we protected some of our design elements for good measure. The last test was introducing the new company at the MANTS trade show.

The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show is THE show to exhibit at. The feedback, again was all positive. So here we are in the landscaping industry... all due to snow storms and pesky deer who cant control their appetite. 

If you would like see more information on our products- please visit

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